- Someone who is always there for you.
- Will take the blame for you just because rarely get into fights...if you have one it lasts literally 5 minutes.
- Someone who can cheer you up when all seems hopeless.
- The one person you question why your friends with because when your together you both act weird and crazy and insane.
- The person you never get sick of seeing and can spend like a month together and still not want to part.
- Someone who you have a million inside jokes with and basically every sentence you say you crack up because an inside joke comes up.
- The person you know will never stab you in the back or talk about you badly or hurt you in any way.
- The one who is with you through thick and thin or when your between a rock and a hard place.
- Someone you can trust with your secrets.
- Who won't brag if they got a better mark then you.
- If something is bad for you then they will tell you and last but not least is that you know it is someone who will remain close to your heart.
- Encourage you i everything you do that is good.
- Some one who cares, listens, helps.
- Someone who you will fight in a short period because you want to tell your stories to them.
- Someone who you can accept them perfectly and never care if they unperfect.
- Someone who always tell the truth about you to make you be a better person.
- Someone who always against you.
- Always crying when you're burst into tears.
Conclusion: It is most important to have one true best friend than have thousands of fake friends!!!
Source: http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20090419112453AA7C11O
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